About the Newsletter

About the Newsletter

The Old Irving Park News is a hyper local monthly* newsletter focused on informing and inspiring our resident members about our community’s people, organizations and businesses. With a monthly circulation of about 600, dedicated resident volunteers distribute the newsletter to OIPA members’ doorsteps and OIPA mails courtesy copies to elected officials and out of boundary subscribers. Newsletter features include a monthly message from the OIPA Board of Directors, summaries of general meetings and board meetings, real estate sale statistics and assorted neighborhood news submitted by neighborhood schools, churches, and other not-for-profit organizations. To receive a newsletter all you have to do is join the Old Irving Park Association.

* 10 months per year, excluding January and July.

Newsletter advertising

Our readers often utilize the Old Irving News as a resource for finding local businesses and services.  If you would like to reach our community via advertising in our newsletter, click here.

Newsletter submissions

All members are welcome to submit articles and/or photographs for publication to our newsletter designer and editor, Kathleen Kearns

Submission guidelines include the following:

  • Monthly deadline: the 1st Thursday of each month. Please note, we do not produce newsletters for January or July. Therefore, please do not send submission in December or June. Submissions received after the deadline or during December or June will be held over for a future month’s issue, pending the editor’s review.
  • Please make your e-mail subject something like, “OIPA newsletter submission”. Kathleen works on many newsletters/publications, so this will allow her to easily identify your article as one for our newsletter.
  • Please include your contact information in your e-mail (name, phone and organization you are representing with the article).
  • Want to share an important date (regardless of whether or not you mention it in your article submission)? Please specifically note it/call it out in your e-mail message to Kathleen when submitting your article.
  • Article length: Please keep your submissions to one page. One page that includes a photo and caption is about 325 words. A page without a photo is about 400 words. You don’t need to hit those numbers on the nose, but it will give you a good idea of how much we may need to cut to get the article onto one page.
  • Photos: If you have another photo or two that identifies people, you can always send these for the Social Network pages. Please include not only the names of the people pictured, but the photographer’s name as well.
  • Social media or website info: If your organization has these, perhaps include them at the end of your articles so interested members can be directed to your other sites.