Century Plaque Program
Is your home over 100 years old and located within the Old Irving Park neighborhood boundaries? You may be interested in applying for a “Century House” plaque.
Click here for FAQs about the Century House Program and click here for an application.
Questions? Email centuryhouse@oldirvingpark.com
How to research your home
Interested in researching your own home? Click here for the City of Chicago’s step by step guide, “Your House Has A History” or here for a “House History Checklist” provided by the Sulzer Regional Library.
IPHS Background
The Irving Park Historical Society (“IPHS“, now a part of OIPA) held its first House Walk 30 years ago on September 14, 1985. Within the welcome pages of its booklet, it described the origin of the IPHS, and the strong need for an organization to work to preserve the history and architecture of the area. Since 1985, there have been periodic updates resulting from more efficient research, or something occasionally found an attic or wall, and shared with the IPHS for the homeowners of the future.
IPHS House Walk Program
In late 2015 and early 2016, the Old Irving Park News ran a series of articles celebrating the housewalk program. Click on the links below to access the retrospective articles:
October 2015 provided a 30-year history and included highlights from the very first housewalk, which occurred September 17, 1985.
November 2015 highlighted the second housewalk, which took place September 13, 1986.
December 2015’s article featured housewalk #3, which occurred two years later on September 17, 1988.
February 2016’s newsletter included highlights from September 16, 1989, the 4th housewalk.
March 2016 covered the 5th housewalk, which occurred on September 15, 1990.